What is proctoring? What kind of pitfall does it have?
It is your exam day and it is a very important day to you. We will help you to prepare to the exam at best to avoid any unexpected technical obstacles and distracting moves.
FIrst, prepare your Mac or a PC/laptop.
Before you proceed to your online exam, get your computer prepared and checked:
Verify your personal data (first and last name) in your profile. If this data does not match how it is written in your ID, update before you enroll into your assignment.
Make sure that you computer meets minimal system requirements.
Are you a Mac user? Prepare your Mac properly.
Make sure that your browser is supported. A List of supported browsers.
Disconnect extra displays and do not use a headset.
Close out other applications and extra tabs in your browser.
Turn off your antivirus and firewall while taking an exam.
NOTE: Verify your personal data (first and last name) in your LMS profile. If you are an examinee at OpenEdu, this is even more crucial! If this data does not match it in your ID, a proctor will not let you in and your exam will be rescheduled.
Prepare your desk
Remove all unnecessary and distracting tools and equipments. Note, some of them may be even forbidden by exam rules.
NOTE: You should get in touch with the exam organizer or university representative beforehand and clarify exam rules and allowed tools on your desk.
Choose the right assignment
Follow the instructions given by your exam organizer or university to start at a right time or to enroll properly.
Are you an OpenEdu examinee? Make sure you read the guides.
Enroll into your exam in Calendar if this is required by the exam procedure.
NOTE: The instructions and a link to start an exam will be sent to you by the exam organizer. If you do not get it, contact your exam organizer and ask to send this info one more time.
Get started!
Take a good look at the proctoring interface beforehand.
Good luck!