A web browser (Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Edge) is used in most cases when online exams are conducted with proctoring by Examus. Use the exam link provided by your exam proganizer or your university.
In some cases, Examus desktop app can be used as an exam browser. This app requires an installation and can be done shortly before your exam or right during the preliminary preparation and system heck routines.
Read more about browser-based and app-based exams in the guides.
NOTE: Windows SmartScreen and antivirus may block Examus app installation. It can happen due to the calls and data collection used by proctoring, which is usually treated as suspicious by most antiviruses. Be reassured, Examus app is safe and does not harm your computer anyhow. To let the installation, add the app to trusted ones or to an exception list of your antivirus. For more information how to do this, navigate to your antivirus vendor official website or technical support. After you finish your exam in the app, you may restore your antivirus configuration.
Remember: detailed instructions and extra guides on how to proceed to start your exam can be provided by your exam organizer. Read carefully the instructions you were provided with.