Different training platforms provide different user interfaces. Thus, exam completion may vary based on your training platform or an LMS interface.
NOTE: complete your exam only if you are sure that your answers are saved and counted.
In most cases, examinees are transdered to a new page with a confirmation message that their attempt is over after they submited their answers:
Completion in Moodle LMS |
Completion in OpenEdu platform |
Sometimes, examinees need to hit the Examus completion option on the Examus side panel to complete the exam. It looks like the one in the picture below:
NOTE: Use the Examus completion option only if there is no other options in the LMS or if you are instructed to use the Examus option. If you see another option of submitting your responses and finishing your exam in the LMS, use that option first.
If your exam is over but results are not saved in the LMS, contact the exam organiators to be provided with an extra attempt to take your exam.